Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Social Networking at the JCC!

It's time for another class at the JCC!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Teaching at the JCC!

I am having so much fun teaching computer class at the JCC!  Today we are learning how to set up our own blogs!  Everyone made sure to have their own gmail account and named their own blog.

Monday, July 19, 2010

the continuing journey...


I have moved, with much gratefulness, to a new apartment.  On the way, I let go of my piano....too many moves taking it along. My moving men amigos refused to carry it, a construction worker on the street claimed it. Thirty-four years.  In a way, an albatross.  Thank you Steve, for responding to my tears so many years ago, and for the hours and hours of pleasure, from Moon River, to Here's that Rainy Day.  It's just too heavy, physically and spiritually. When the time and funds are right, I will get a key board that I can plug in to my lap top and use garage band to make it sound like any instrument imaginable to take me away. Another loss..... another empty space for room to receive...
Meri has given birth to another beautiful baby boy, Jacob Lee, named after my mother.

Mandi and Bandit are taking obedience lessons together with two main goals:  'sit' and 'come' ('no barking' is optional to me).

Nadine has a new broadcasting position and will be moving to Phoenix at the end of July.
I have a couple of opportunities and we will see where the universe will unfold.
I continue reading and studying about the complexities yet simplicities of our minds which I have always found so fascinating.

Next week I am on another road journey to San Jose and then to Humboldt and get to travel with my favorite companion, the Howard Stern Show, thank you satellite radio. I am really excited because my sister Marcia and husband Jon will make their way to see Meri in Orleans as well (they are requesting brownies), and we will be able to observe mommy's yarhtzeit together with blessings over new baby Jacob Lee.  I am embraced by true love and warmth when I am with my sister.  

I was fortunate to also have that feeling of being wrapped in the love of family last month when my father sent me to Rhode Island for the graduation of nephew Derek from law school.

So for those who follow, today is Tisha B'Av, a day of sorrow marking the destruction of the first and second temples, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar.  However, the literature of Jewish law and Kabbalah emphasize that at the "time of redemption, these will become days of festivity and great happiness."  Also Kabalistically, in this month of Av there is a process of "revelation of powers that enable a transformation from bad to good, and in which the energy of love is felt strongly in all levels of the soul."   In this month, may we all know love and be filled with love....

Friday, April 23, 2010


What I forgot to mention was that the psychic also said my job was only a bridge to my next adventure.  So here I am, wandering across my bridge.

Did you ever notice how a bridge is a definition in itself? Of course the best example is the Golden Gate Bridge  And now that I am in San Diego, it is breathtaking to drive across the Coronado Bridge, which I hear changed the landscape of the city, and enhanced the tourism as well.

As I cross this bridge I am busy creating my blueprint, drafting, designing, sharing, worrying... How will this crossing be another defining moment in my life? 

*****Thank you to Karen who reminded me of my favorite I had to edit this post!

The bridge that Rebbe Nachman of Bratzlav wrote about:

Saturday, January 30, 2010


We have been very exhausted at school preparing for our ACCET accreditation. Sweet, growing-up Kristin....kind, honest Antonella....insightful Deborah in charge of scanning and whatever she notices needs care, our activity leaders dealing with our group of Chinese students, our wonderful intern Pablo, and of course our dedicated teachers. Our binders are beautiful and museum ready for after the big day, and our school looks great.  But just to make sure, as I was walking toward that much needed bloody mary in Seaport Village this afternoon, I passed a psychic who appeared highly credentialed.

For the record, the following are among Dr. Iris' predictions from cards and crystals and other channeled abilities:

*Our accreditation will go great!  Smooth sailing!  Lots of strengths!  No worries!

Therefore, on to the good stuff....

*This move to my new apartment will be the last of many moves and will usher in a well-deserved upswing in my life

*I will be doing a lot of writing  (perhaps someone will discover that this scenic route of a life has some worthiness to download on the new iPAD?)

*Between this January and next January I will be making a trip to Israel

*Between this January and next January I will meet a man named Isaac with blue eyes who has two grown children and a dead wife  (did you see "It's Complicated?"  A dead wife is a good thing!).

*My mom is happy, busy, and looking very young.  She has been helping me a great deal this past year.

*Meri is pregnant with another healthy, beautiful, baby boy  (Let's find out on Thursday...)

*I will become financially stable in the coming year.  (Can I repeat that again?)  I will become financially stable in the coming year.

*I wil lose weight and get healthy and I must convince my doctor that bio-identical hormones ARE the way to go.

*My final 3 cards were the Ace of hearts, the Ace of diamonds and the Five of diamonds.  She DEFINITELY said they were the cards of love, wealth, and health.

Guess what!  I feel better already!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Childhood Innocence and 20010

This past week was a joy to me.  Meri and Jeff drove down from Orleans for the week with Sam, who is now two.  They stayed at the Island Inn, and Sam stayed with me!  He has the same delightful, sweet, loving personality of Meri at that age. 

Watching life through the eyes of a child really permits you to experience the miracles of the world, even the simplest things:  like water squirting out of the fountain (surprise!), or sliding down the sliding board on your tummy (It's fun, Bebe!!), or waiting for the trolley ("here it comes!  It's our turn!), or savoring ice-cream (it's yummy!), or drumming at my djembe class (I can do it, Bebe!).

When I say "I love you Sam" he takes his little hand and pats my cheek and says "I love you too, Bebe."  (Bebe for the two b's in barbra).  When I say "I will miss you Sam,"  he says "It's OK, BeBe, I will miss you too."  A million kisses, Sam!  Don't forget to play your harmonica!

Meri and Jeff are so easy going and patient with him  It's very satisfying to see.

All children should have that joy of experiencing the miracles of childhood and follow their curiosities without fear or worry.

If not for anything else, I pray that 2010 is a peaceful, joyful, healthy and prosperous year for the children in the world. 

Did you see the Depak Chopras site "I take the vow" ?  "I take the vow of non-violence in my thoughts, my speech, my actions."  Please check it out.

Happy 2010!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Peace, Christmas, and International Education

This is the thing about an International English Institute....when you get students together from all over the world, the only way they can communicate is in English.  This takes effort, deep listening, eye contact, charades, thought, laughter, and compassion.  What a lesson in communication!  If we all, who speak the same language, gave our conversations the same care.

It is unbelievably touching to see a Korean, male, 24 year old cry at our weekly graduations as he bids farewell to his friends he made from Brazil, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, and more.  It is moving to hear the students speak of how the teachers have taught them more than English and have given them the memories of their lives. 

Yesterday we celebrated the upcoming Christmas holidays.  While not everyone celebrates Christmas, part of the experience of coming to America is to be immersed in all the traditions of American life.  And truly, what does "Merry Christmas" mean, but a greeting of peace, joy, love and hope? 

We like to sing an American song at our Friday graduations, and yesterday Marcia's class came up to help lead "Santa Claus is Coming to Town."  We followed this with  "Silent Night" in English, and then invited the Brazilians to sing the song in Portuguese.  They were so happy and their voices were bright and joyous.  A realization:  we sing the same songs, all over the world, in different languages, but with the same meaning. 

I learned a new quote yesterday:  "Begin anywhere.  But begin."